This is what listen too

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Summer Blogging May Be Forever

Done with school. (for the summer) This morning I ate a ton of Parmesan goldfish. They were pretty bad. I'm on disk 4 of season one of the X-files, which is fairly exciting- but not at all to read about in a blog. And speaking of great TV-DVD purchases; Pinky& The Brain Vol2- awesome. I'm also dying for Medium season 4. (anyone who hates Patricia Arquette I consider a personal enemy)

This blog is boring, so don't read it. But you should definitely comment and tell me how boring my blog is. (yeah, I ended a sentence with a preposition, so what?)

Okay, so movies;

V for Vendetta
Matchstick Men
Lost in Translation
Virgin Suicides
Marie Antoinette (yeah, Sofia Coppola rocks)
Being John Malkovich
Oceans 13
What Lies Beneath
Lars and The Real girl
Minority Report
The Stepford Wives
Aeon Flux

It may seem like a lot, but this list began back in march, maybe even a little from February.
A few notes: Lars was a lot more depressing than expected. I hope to like it a lot more when I see it a second time, like It was with Science Of Sleep (which I hated the first time, but now can't see enough). Sunshine is BRILLIANT, buy it. Juno- I'm beginning to see as slightly over-rated. It's not a bad movie, but for an Indie film, it's surprisingly cookie cutter. Although, I might be treating it unfairly because comparing any movie to Gummo is unfair. Being John Malkovich is a fantastic movie, the writing is phenomenal. Unbreakable may be the only M.Night movie I can stand to watch. I'm planning on seeing Speed Racer & Iron Man soon and will let you know how I like them.