This is what listen too

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Summer Blogging May Be Forever

Done with school. (for the summer) This morning I ate a ton of Parmesan goldfish. They were pretty bad. I'm on disk 4 of season one of the X-files, which is fairly exciting- but not at all to read about in a blog. And speaking of great TV-DVD purchases; Pinky& The Brain Vol2- awesome. I'm also dying for Medium season 4. (anyone who hates Patricia Arquette I consider a personal enemy)

This blog is boring, so don't read it. But you should definitely comment and tell me how boring my blog is. (yeah, I ended a sentence with a preposition, so what?)

Okay, so movies;

V for Vendetta
Matchstick Men
Lost in Translation
Virgin Suicides
Marie Antoinette (yeah, Sofia Coppola rocks)
Being John Malkovich
Oceans 13
What Lies Beneath
Lars and The Real girl
Minority Report
The Stepford Wives
Aeon Flux

It may seem like a lot, but this list began back in march, maybe even a little from February.
A few notes: Lars was a lot more depressing than expected. I hope to like it a lot more when I see it a second time, like It was with Science Of Sleep (which I hated the first time, but now can't see enough). Sunshine is BRILLIANT, buy it. Juno- I'm beginning to see as slightly over-rated. It's not a bad movie, but for an Indie film, it's surprisingly cookie cutter. Although, I might be treating it unfairly because comparing any movie to Gummo is unfair. Being John Malkovich is a fantastic movie, the writing is phenomenal. Unbreakable may be the only M.Night movie I can stand to watch. I'm planning on seeing Speed Racer & Iron Man soon and will let you know how I like them.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Objects In Space & Plantonic Collisions

Wow. February Sucks. Thank god Its over. It's a good month for very very happy songs/music and movies about people who are miserable. Really, any movie about a person who is miserable if great because you can watch it whenever you're feeling miserable and you go "Hey! I'm not alone, hurray!". It sounds bitter, I think people automatically assume 'misery loves company' is a bad thing, like it's some sort of dark omen your parents tell you before you go to sleep where the moral of the story is nothing but a whole lot of propaganda that discourages thinking and encourages unchallenged-obedience. That sentence was way too long & I apologize.

My point is, 'misery loves company' has layers of meaning. In what could be termed the 'socially popular' interpretation you have "avoid miserable people because they try to screw up your life & make you not happy". & with such an interpretation, I ask myself "Are there really that many 'evil' people?". The second interpretation I discern is that people who are miserable need company or else they'll just go on deeper into their bitter resentment of whatever it is that makes them 'a miserable person'. Third (& final for all I can think at the moment) ; Misery loves company is Misery desires understanding/intimacy. &o when you say "Hurray! I'm not alone" it doesn't necessarily have negative connotations.

Psychology has turned from 'interesting' to 'streeful'. Math has turned from 'stressful' to 'obnoxious'. School = Work hard, Andrew = Work fast...It's something I need to work on. Also: Camera, sleep, CD, Money-job... As if life wasn't mundane enough. When you strictly avoid human drama, you begin to soak it up like a sponge unintentionally.

Movies watched in february/recently:
Almost Famous
Donnie Darko
The Life Aquatic
Lost in Translation
Matchstick Men
Michael Clayton
The Virgin Suicides
I Heart Huckabees
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

Mein Happy Music:
The Arcade Fire
Bright Eyes
Flaming Lips
Polyphonic Spree

Politics are boring. Whenever it's brought up at my house I'm the only person with my opinion and nobody can ever share anything except for their opinion(s). Opinions with facts & evidence to back them up are what make it possible to share political ideas &o when you only have opinions to share, but you don't have any kind of substantial evidence to explain why/how you feel, all you're really doing is saying what you think/feel and not WHY. Without the "why" political conversations are pointless. You might as well just be saying "I like icecream & I hate spinach.. but I couldn't tell you what spinach did, I just DON'T like it."

So many ideas, so few people to set them in motion. The Truth shall set you free, yet freedom never felt more like a cage. & BE noble.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Polyphonic Spree & Michael Clayton

I saw Michael Clayton again. Do you ever have dreams that include "people you knew as a child" but when you wake up, you cannot remember if you ever knew the people with those names? Part of dream this morning included me looking through old photographs of a school field trip but it took me a while to recognize all of the people I knew. Yet now that I am awake, I believe I only imagined the people I could not recognise in the photographs.

Anyways, I think I enjoyed it as much as a could. I hate the Gateway Theatre. Their arcade uses 'tokens', the chairs are uncomfortable, the theaters are too bright, and the atmosphere is very accomidating to the 'mall-rat' persona. Despite all that crap, it's a great movie & I hope to see it a third time in the theater.

I'm undergoing massive philosophical changes, mostly in an esoteric way. In void of human drama, I make a big deal about simple mistakes that nobody cares about. Like calling a visitor/relative the wrong name. Most people think of the imagination as something very distant from reality, but I've found in the past few weeks that the things I can imagine are more real than some of the things I actually feel & experience. But this factor of 'more real' is entirely psychological- for the things I imagine do effect my perception of reality, thereby making what I believe to feel as 'more real' an actual manifestation of whatever imaginary thing is effecting me.
But, concerning human drama-what's funny about making a 'big deal' is simply by recalling a mistake I made, it causes people to tell me "It's okay", "It's no big deal", or "Don't worry about it". It's sort of like a 'self-pity' trigger. People are Slow Guns, waiting to have their triggers pulled. Everything exists in the mind before it comes to pass in reality, therefore our dreams are the only factor of our identities that matter. THE UNICORN IS REAL BECAUSE IT BELIEVES IN ALICE!

Also; Reach For The Sun! 2000 places at once! Take them all together and keep them warm!

I'll close with an anecdote/review of a GREAT film.;
10/12/07: I saw Michael Clayton last night. It was awesome. Reminded me a lot of 'Pi'... My exact words were "It's like this generation's Pi". Tilda Swinton was amazing, Tom Wilkinson too. I was surprised because usually I get very bored in movies like that and It only got boring once. Although, the American mis-conception of " all lawyers are souless" aspect/theme in the movie was a bit obnoxious.
Oh, As I got out of the car to walk into the thearte I noticed the button on my pants had fallen off. It was a very interesting and somewhat thematic problem that was quickly solved by quick thinking not of my own. Whenever I was walking around I had my hands in my pockets and would periodically have to re-sitch them higher. What a weird word 'sitch'. What a bizzare phrase "Weird word". Its one of those that would sound very funny if you just repeat it over and over tens of times. Also, "Rainbow Sommersault", and "They are building something else."

I'll close with a list of phrases that sound best when repeated 32 times;
"We can not let you go in there"
"Data goes into my-mind"
"Racoon macaroon, bacon bacon"
"Mythical Carnivores who breathe & Spit-fire"
And lastly "How am I not myself?"

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Gold Encompass

WARNING: Major-hate rant blogging ahead.
Read it, especially if you are easily offended.

I am so goddamn sick of theists and their stupid freakin' boycotts of anything that doesn't mesh with their perfect little ideal of the world. Arg!!!! (For the sand-headed, I am speaking of: Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, and The Golden Compass specifically, not mentioning the thousands of other crap out there that I don't know about)

It's one thing to abstain from activities that you deem inappropriate for your person, in fact it sometimes is the most intelligent action one can take is to not act, but: What the typical theist does is listen and obey and and then spread the word that everyone else they know should listen and obey and do or don't do anything they are told! There's no thinking. There is no intellectual analysis of what events are actually occurring, or what message is actually portrayed in a book or movie or CD. Nobody bothers to examine the first-hand account or scrutinize the source of public outcry. But above all, I am most irritated and bothered by the Theists fear to be entertained. It's an ideal that has somehow survived since the time of the puritans and today periodically is revived- The idea that if at any point you are enjoying something of this world (particularly things related to sex, although it extends to enjoyment of anything) you're sinning against God himself.

I hate the seriousness of it all. Also, I think things like "Wow, you must have a very frail belief in that shit if you can't see this movie and still believe in your perfect little God"... If the invention of 'god' is the combination of parental authority and the fear of the unknown, then how can anyone who isn't absolutely helpless want to believe it all their life? Obviously they wouldn't want to. Nor would they believe god is an invention. Jesus Christ!!!

Major rant-hate blog. My frustration feels muchly ventilated

But life is good, no matter how many pricks and assholes and people with pricks up their assholes may exist in it. Those 'shoot first and ask questions later' people are a dying breed. So, I will live on and try to ignore the flies on the wall. Peace in life is not life at all, but A still life that does not live is peaceful.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

This one won't even hardly qualify as a blog even though theoretically I could post some interesting stuff

List of Movies I've seen in the past month or so:

Christmas with the Kranks
Ed Wood
Meet Joe Black
Vanilla Sky
Oceans 12
Teenagers From Outerspace
Dan in Real Life
Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium
Spider-man 2
Spider-man 3
X-men The Last Stand
Intolerable Cruelty
Office Space

...I know, I need to get into the theatre more often. Magorium is in bold for the reason that it absolutely tops all of the other movies in that list, although Vanilla Sky is a close second and Meet Joe Black is nearly tied with Vanilla Sky.

Oh yeah, and this is Kuroneko.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This is a blog post and you are reading it

Hello people who are reading my blog. I'm sure there are some of you that aren't creeps. . . Ellipsis are underrated. . .It's funny how many people abuse them. So I like movies, and you do too or you wouldn't be reading this blog. Actually, that was a severe understatement. Movies are my life. I'm a writer/composer/philosopher/psychologist and I make lots of music and random art with the single reason of getting it out of my head in order to achieve some peace and quiet. Isn't that what we're all after? A little peace and quiet.

Listen to this!!

Don't hate my because I am talented. Hate me because I'm annoying. I'm in the middle of watching Garden State. Actually, towards the end. It's an awesome movie. Good commentaries too. The phone just rang. Anyways, I hoped you liked this one. Or enjoyed it...You probably are a creep. Why are you such a creep, creep? Do you like to creep from creepy place to creepy place whilst you do you creepy activities? I like whilst to a degree of not using it at all the way it was meant to be used. Whilst I type this I am enjoying the word whilst. whilst whilst whilst whilst whilst. Renegade spy...Oh shit, I've said too much.

Bye! Be clean and wash your hands regularly!