This is what listen too

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This is a blog post and you are reading it

Hello people who are reading my blog. I'm sure there are some of you that aren't creeps. . . Ellipsis are underrated. . .It's funny how many people abuse them. So I like movies, and you do too or you wouldn't be reading this blog. Actually, that was a severe understatement. Movies are my life. I'm a writer/composer/philosopher/psychologist and I make lots of music and random art with the single reason of getting it out of my head in order to achieve some peace and quiet. Isn't that what we're all after? A little peace and quiet.

Listen to this!!

Don't hate my because I am talented. Hate me because I'm annoying. I'm in the middle of watching Garden State. Actually, towards the end. It's an awesome movie. Good commentaries too. The phone just rang. Anyways, I hoped you liked this one. Or enjoyed it...You probably are a creep. Why are you such a creep, creep? Do you like to creep from creepy place to creepy place whilst you do you creepy activities? I like whilst to a degree of not using it at all the way it was meant to be used. Whilst I type this I am enjoying the word whilst. whilst whilst whilst whilst whilst. Renegade spy...Oh shit, I've said too much.

Bye! Be clean and wash your hands regularly!


Brian said...

You have said too much... Much too much.

Brian said...

And get an original template!

DuckyTKid said...

Much too much? I didn't say THAT much. I did say shit though. You should curse more in your blog Brian... andI like this template, So bugger off!